

Bruce Stafford has discovered over time that long-term therapy is rarely needed. He has found approaches that speed recovery. One of the hallmarks of his practice is hypnosis. Hypnosis creates rapid change;  It puts the message of change into the unconscious mind.

Hypnosis is effective due to a simple yet far-reaching principle. Your unconscious mind is not aware of time. That is why when people go into a trance they lose track of time. Hence, if an uncomfortable memory gets lodged in your mind, your unconscious mind plays it over and over and over in an attempt to get you to fix it, as it is unaware that it is gone. Your unconscious mind is generating images to get you to fix what can’t be fixed. That is analogous to going over a bridge for ten minutes, and having your spouse pull out a map and say. “Turn Left.”  You say “When?” They say, “ten minutes ago.” You can’t go back and change what no longer exists, so you get anxious and uncomfortable when carrying unresolved trauma, as your mind generates emotion in an effort to get you to change the past.

Through hypnosis the unconscious mind can recognize that the past is gone and let go of unwanted historical pain, which reduces anxiety and can increase self-esteem. Hypnosis is relaxing and enables the recipient to separate the past from the present, so that you can live  your life passionately in the present moment; the only moment that exists.

Hypnosis is extremely  helpful for traumatic memories, panic attacks, phobias, childhood trauma, unresolved grief, social anxiety, generalized anxiety and addictive issues.